Category: 63 Washing and Bathing Service
Number of persons in each Category
IdCategory 18411851186118711881189119011911
63Washing and Bathing Service511023131
Category: 63 Washing and Bathing Service
904Hannah Beck( b. 1828)1871Laundress
4991Hannah Beck( b. 1830)1881Laundress (Formerly)
994Ada Brooker( b. 1880)1901Laundress
983Rachael Cresswell( b. 1842)1901Laundress
872Mary Dell( b. 1807)1861Washer Woman
843Elizabeth Emmett( b. 1847)1861Laundress (Assistant)
843Harriet Emmett( b. 1814)1861Laundress
822Sarah Eustace( b. 1770)1841Washer Woman
870Caroline Green( b. 1827)1861Laundress
815Elizabeth Guise( b. 1781)1841Washer Woman
853Mary A Hone( b. 1825)1861Laundress
813Rebecca Hous( b. 1776)1841Laundress
4997Harriet James( b. 1839)1881Laundress
825Eleanor Johnson( b. 1791)1841Laundress
869Alice Lambourn( b. 1798)1861Washer Woman
869Matilda Lambourn( b. 1837)1861Laundress
844Sarah Pheby( b. 1808)1861Laundress
883Sarah Pheby( b. 1804)1871Laundress
818Fanny Sharp( b. 1801)1841Washer Woman
872Mary Sharp( b. 1801)1861Washer Woman
8986Lousa Vaughan( b. 1856)1911Laundress
992Sophia West( b. 1845)1901Laundress
5001Susan Mary Willis( b. 1846)1881Laundress
955Isabel Willis( b. 1852)1891Laundress
1401Ann Woodley( b. 1791)1851Laundress
845Ann Woodley( b. 1789)1861Laundress